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The devcom Art & Animation Summit: Skip the Art School Circus

Ryan Kingslien, CEO of Vertex School, participated in the devcom Art & Animation Summit last December where he shared valuable tips on tools and careers for 3D artists.

Last December, Ryan Kingslien, CEO of Vertex School, an experienced Artist, and Mentor, one of the developers of ZBrush, has presented a talk that covers tips and tricks for creatives interested in starting careers in the game and art industry. As a mentor, Ryan has dedicated a large part of his life to training game artists and digital sculptors, developing their talents and artistic vision. In the series, Ryan shares his understanding of talent, and the ways to make your artistic skills go through the roof.

In this session you'll hear some valuable advice and insights from the game and art industry leaders, and will have an opportunity to dive deep into the art learning process. Ryan goes through some of his students' artworks explaining the best parts and the areas for improvement, and tools that can help with enhancing the artwork. You will see the scenes in comparison before vs after and receive the guidance to achieve the expected results creating your projects. 

The devcom Art and Animation summit was held on December 14-15, 2021. Renowned international games industry experts and artists have been sharing insights into their work and their approach to topics like 2D and 3D animation, character design, environment building, UI, visual effects, and more. 

Vertex School offers innovative creative tech training to prepare students for a career in games, film, XR, and the metaverse, with assignments, mentor feedback, community events, personal guide to help you solve problems and break through blocks and overcome plateaus.

You may learn more about the 2021 summit here and register for the upcoming devcom events on their official webpage. Also, we encourage you to check out the courses of Vertex School and view some new projects of Ryan by visiting his ArtStation page

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