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David Gaider Thinks Dragon Age TV Show Would Be Terrible Idea

The former Dragon Age lead writer would prefer an adaptation of another popular game.

Image credit: BioWare | Dragon Age: Inquisition

We're not used to seeing good adaptations of video games, but The Last of Us and the recent Fallout TV series leave many fans hoping for more quality retellings. 

Dragon Age might be on your list of dream adaptations, but its former lead writer David Gaider doesn't think it would be great. Speaking about games he'd like to see as TV shows, he said Dragon Age would be "a terrible idea."

"You take away the interactive element and you're left with a pretty stock standard fantasy story," he explained. "It would take a pretty deep dive to distill the elements of each that make them unique and interesting. Not impossible, but it would take more than a rote adaptation."

He also added that it would take a lot to make him take an animated series seriously, although he enjoyed Arcane, which will see a new, devastating, season in November.

It's worth noting that Dragon Age already has 2 TV adaptations: Dawn of the Seeker and Absolution. "Allegedly," Gaider replied, and a lot of viewers agreed considering their underwhelming ratings on IMDb.

If the Dragon Age series is a no, what about Mass Effect? Gaider is not a fan of this idea as well: "Much like Dragon Age or BG3, I have a hard time picturing a Mass Effect show that does anything we haven't already seen a dozen times. The Halo TV show, for instance, could just as easily have been Mass Effect."

So what is the show Gaider would like to watch? "I want to see a David Lynch-style (on acid) Disco Elysium. Or maybe Banishers." I'm not sure anyone can bring Disco Elysium to life appropriately, but a Lynch-made reimagining is an intriguing idea.

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